Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Creating a Database with DBCA and Silent Mode

Creating a Database with DBCA.

Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) is the preferred way to create a database, because it is a more automated approach, and your database is ready to use when DBCA completes.DBCA can be launched by the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI), depending upon the type of install that you can also launch DBCA as a standalone tool at any time after Oracle Database Installation.
You can run DBCA in interactive mode no non-interactive/silent mode. Interactive mode provides a graphical interface and guided workflow for creating and configuring a database.Non-interactive/silent mode enable you to script database can run DBCA in non-interactive/silent mode by specifying command-line arguments, a response file or both.

Here I’ll show two methods to create a database using DBCA. 

       1)      Creating a Database with interactive DBCA
       2)      Creating a database with Non-interactive/Silent DBCA.

Creating a Database with interactive DBCA.

Just go to your command prompt if on windows system or Terminal if using Linux Machine. And here write DBCA and Hit enter. This will open the DBCA utility for you.But I highly recommend you to run DBCA with Administrator Privileges otherwise you get error or accesses denied.

] # xhost +
]# su – oracle

Now you must have DBCA windows open on your system with a Welcome screen along with lots of text describing what you can do with this utility.

There are total 11 steps which you have to go thorough to create an Oracle Database.

Before starting let me be clear on one thing- your DBCA Windows’s screen may look different or you may have some extra option than mine. That depends upon the Oracle Database just don’t worry!

Step 1:

Here you can see all the operation which you can perform with database configuration assistant can create a new database or configure the existing database delete a database and managed template if you have any.
As we are creating a new database thus we will choose the first option “CREATE A DATBASE.”

Step 2: 

We have to choose the template of our database which means that here we have to choose what kind of database we want to create
Here we have 3 options:

       1.      First one is general purpose of Transaction mush have come across this kind of database.
       2.      The 2nd one is custom database. Pretty similar to their general purpose one but it’s a bit more flexible. Here you can chose individual component of the database which you want to use such as oracle extension for dot net, Oracle OLAP, text, Lab security and enterprise manager repository etc.
      3.      The third one is Data warehouse. Data warehouse is also a type of relation database which is basically used for query and analysis rather than for transaction processing.

     Step 3:
      Here in this step you have to provide the global database name for your database. Global database name is the full name of your database. This helps you in uniquely identifying you database. This is also an oracle recommended format for global database name. But you can give whatever name you want.
      In the second fields you have to specify the SID which stands for system you can see that by default it takes database name from global database name field. SID also helps in uniquely identifying the instance that runs the database.

Step 4:

 Here in this step you will choose whether you want to configure enterprise manager or not. Oracle enterprise manager is a web-based management tool for individual database, and central management tools for managing your entire Oracle environment.

Step 5: Database credentials.

Here you have to configure the security for all these accounts. These are few administrative mandatory and by default configure accounts.
Here you have 2 options either you can configure separate password for each of them or you can assign same password to all of them.


Step 6: 

Here in this step you have to specify the type of storage you would like you database to use.
In the storage type we have 2 options first is file system and second is ASM automatic Storage Management. If you have configured ASM then I recommend you to choose the same otherwise go for file system.
After choosing Storage type you have to specify the storage location.

For Storage location we have 3 options also.

      1.      First one is USE DATABASE FILE LOCATION FROM TEMPLATE. By using this option you  don’t need to do anything instead DBCA will create an ORACLE HOME directory for you.
      2.      Second one is USE COMMON LOCATION FOR ALL DATABASE FILE. Here you can choose your own directory.DBCA will set the chose directory as you ORACLE HOME and then the entire database files will get create at this location.
      3.      Last and third one is USE ORACLE MANAGED FILES. This option instructs Oracle Database to directly manage operating system provides you with a flexible way for multiplexing online redo log and control file. This is recommended for security purposes.


Must watch suggestion what archive log mode is and how to enable it?
I highly recommend you to enable archive log and with archive if becomes mandatory to set least one archive log destination thus here you have to enable flashback recovery area.
Specify flash Recovery Area:- You can go for this option in order to specify a backup and recovery area as well as its directory location and size.
The flash recovery area size should at least be twice the database size.
Enable archiving:- select this option to enable the archiving of database online redo log files, which can be used to recover database. Select this option is the same as enabling archive log mode in ORACLE ENTERPRISE MANAGER DATABASE Control or running the database in ARCHIVE LOG MODE.



Here in this step tick the sample schema check box if you want to install sample schema such as HR,SCOTT,OE and many more.


In this step you can change the default initialization parameter setting that include memory sizing, character set and connection mode.


At this stage you are presented with a navigation tree display that contains the storage structure of you database including control file, data files, online redo log groups and so forth. Here you have the option of making changes in case you are not satisfied with the storage structure or parameters.

This is the last step where you have to tell DBC what you want to do? Either you want to create a database or save all these setting as template for future use or you want to generate the database creation script.
You can also perform these steps altogether.
Now hit finish
This will show you database creation summary. PRESS OK .

Create a Database with non-interactive/Silent Mode DBCA.

]# su – oracle

]$ dbca -silent -createDatabase –templateName  General_Purpose.dbc -gdbname sales -sid sales -responseFile NO_VALUE -characterSet AL32UTF8 -datafileDestination /disk1/oradata/sales  -memoryPercentage 30 -emConfiguration LOCAL

Enter SYS user password: sys         

Enter SYSTEM user password:sys

Enter DBSNMP user password: sys  

Enter SYSMAN user password:sys
Copying database files

1% complete

3% complete

11% complete

18% complete

26% complete

37% complete

Creating and starting Oracle instance

40% complete

45% complete

50% complete

55% complete

56% complete

60% complete

62% complete

Completing Database Creation

66% complete

70% complete

73% complete

85% complete

96% complete

100% complete

Look at the log file "/oraeng/apps/oracle/product/110.2.0/cfgtoollogs/dbca/SALES/SALES.log" for further details

]$ export ORACLE_SID=sales

]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> select name from v$database;
SQL> select instance_name from v$instance;
SQL> select name from v$datafile;
SQL> select name from v$tablespace;
SQL> select username from dba_users;

That’s it guys. Hops you found this useful. Kindly please share this post on you social media to help me reach more people. 

Thanks & Have a great day!


  1. Hi
    nice blog

  2. Hi Sir,

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