Check if all nodes are up and running
$ CRS_HOME/bin/crs_stat -t
To jump to node 2
$ CRS_HOME/bin/crs_stat -t
How to start/stop nodes
CRS_HOME/bin/srvctl stop nodeapps -n rac1
CRS_HOME/bin/srvctl start nodeapps -n rac1
How to check Nodes status
$ srvctl status nodeapps -n rac1
$ ./crs_stat -p ora.myrac1.LISTENER_MYRAC1.lsnr
How to start all nodes and service
CRS_HOME/bin/crs_start -all
Login as “oracle” user (passward- oracle).
Open a terminal and execute the following commands:
Status of all instances and services
$ srvctl status database -d orcl
Instance orcl1 is running on node node1
Instance orcl2 is running on node ndoe2
Status of a single instance
$ srvctl status instance -d orcl -i orcl2
Instance orcl2 is running on node node2
Status of a named service globally across the database
$ srvctl status service -d orcl -s orcltest
Service orcltest is running on instance(s) orcl2, orcl1
Status of node applications on a particular node
$ srvctl status nodeapps -n node1
VIP is running on node: node1
GSD is running on node: node1
Listener is running on node: node1
ONS daemon is running on node: node1
Status of an ASM instance
$ srvctl status asm -n node1
ASM instance +ASM1 is running on node node1.
List all configured databases
$ srvctl config database orcl
Display configuration for our RAC database
$ srvctl config database -d orcl
node1 orcl1 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1
node2 orcl2 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1
Display all services for the specified cluster database
$ srvctl config service -d orcl
orcltest PREF: orcl2 orcl1 AVAIL:
Display the configuration for node applications - (VIP, GSD, ONS, Listener)
$ srvctl config nodeapps -n node1 -a -g -s -l
VIP exists.: /vip-linux1/
GSD exists.
ONS daemon exists.
Listener exists.
Display the configuration for the ASM instance(s)
$ srvctl config asm -n node1
+ASM1 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1
Stopping the Oracle10g RAC Environment
The first step is to stop the Oracle instance.
Once the instance (and related services) is down, then bring down the ASM instance.
Finally, shutdown the node applications (Virtual IP, GSD, TNS Listener, and ONS).
$ export ORACLE_SID=orcl1
$ lsnrctl stop
$ emctl stop dbconsole
$ srvctl stop instance -d orcl -i orcl1
$ srvctl stop asm -n node1
$ srvctl stop nodeapps -n node1
Starting the Oracle10g RAC Environment
The first step is to start the node applications (Virtual IP, GSD, TNS Listener, and ONS).Once the node applications are successfully started,then bring up the ASM instance. Finally, bring up the Oracle instance (and related services) and the Enterprise Manager Database console.
$ export ORACLE_SID=orcl1
$ lsnrctl start
$ srvctl start nodeapps -n node1
$ srvctl start asm -n node1
$ srvctl stop asm -n node1
$ srvctl start instance -d orcl -i orcl1
$ emctl start dbconsole
Start / Stop All Instances with SRVCTL
Start / Stop all of the instances and its enabled services. I just included this for fun as a way to bring down all instances!
$ srvctl start database -d orcl
$ srvctl stop database -d orcl
Check CSS/CRS health
# crsctl start crs (as root)
$ crsctl check crs
$ crsctl start resources
In the affected node, stop all services, login as root user, stop and start the crs
# /etc/init.d/ stop
# /etc/init.d/ start
How to check Listeners
$ crs_home/bin/crs_stat -v | grep LISTENER
$ crs_unregister ora.myrac2.LISTENER_MYRAC2_MYRAC2.lsnr (unregistering listener)
$ srvctl start listener -n rac2 (start listener)